Kaustav Ghosh

Who don’t wanna be famous?


You, me, everyone.

Everyone wants to get recognized.

Not only from now,

But from the time immemorial.

We can find ‘Yasho dehi’ in the holy book Chandi.

“Give us fames”.

It is the prayer for the ages,

Even from the sages.

This is the age of information technology.

We live in the social media,

We eat it, we drink it.

Thanks to covid,

We could not live without it..

Status, post, like, share, comment and many more.

We live here more than we live in the real.

Has not the social media become our silent companion?

Killing the fear of getting alone.

But is it?

Have not we stuck in the virtual world?

Where everybody needs attention,

In no time wants to become sensation,

Where everybody dreams to be famous,

Where any achievement make people jealous.

We are connected through devices but detached from heart.

Now we have friends in benefit.

For me good work gets you not only fame, but everything.

May be people forget or don’t know the difference.

The difference between one day sensation and remembering for millenials.

Fame is like the time,

Washed away.

We have it today, we have the today.

Tomorrow is unknown.

The balance between ‘fame’ and ‘us’.

Will be there if you focus.

Any disbalance will make you unhappy,

You will be curdled by loneliness,

No reason will make you depressed.

Because You don’t have you.

Like the term ‘growth’, ‘development’.

Rome was not built on a day.

To live happy and meaningful-

The only thing that matters.

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